3 MONTHS AWAY FROM BERGAMO. OMG! I don't know if it's better think "already 3 months" or "only 3 months"....
I have to say that this month has been hard... I was homesick and I found problems,even there wasn't one :O
I'm weird, I know! :P
Reading, I noticed that I haven't written about Halloween. Well, Halloween has been amazing! At school we made a pumpkin and we were all disguised! It was really funny :)
our pumkins! :)
I went also to a wedding 2 weeks ago! :) Everything was awesome! They are family's friends and they are amazing people!
About food.................................. I LOVE EATING! I've just eaten a hot dog ("perro caliente") with a lot of things and it was really tasty...yummy! :D
And..OMG! I ADORE BROWNIES! I love chocolate (who know me,can confirm it!) and brownies are chocolate...so I love them! Especially brownies from the Italian Restaurant where I eat when I go to Spanish Class! <3
At school,everything's ok. This is our last week and then.............CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! :) I had a lor of works last week,but I survived!
I really love my classmates (5th grade!)! They are funny and they're always joking! :)
Well,in these weeks we had 2 parties and I drank (not a lot!) and they knew the real me! Since these parties,they're more open to me and they involve me in their jokes ( also in little dirty jokes!..boys!!).
Month's vote: 8!
Love you!
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RispondiEliminascusa Glenda ho fatto un pò di casino, ma sono sempre nel tuo bel blog.
RispondiEliminaTranquillo! Mi fa piacere :)